Friday, April 27, 2007

I Feel Good!

I feel really good—wonder how long since that’s happened!! Just came home from a bike ride into town, visited a friend who just had a positive diagnosis of M.S.

You wouldn’t think that was good news, but it sort of was, because she’s been worrying about what’s wrong with her for almost four years, worrying that it might be some terrible thing or other. M.S. is no picnic, but now the enemy has a name, and she knows what she should do and what she shouldn’t do (fall mostly), and that it isn’t ALS or Parkinson’s or something. It’s not easy to get used to, but it’s definite and that’s a relief. She got a walker—they really make them slick these days with brakes and baskets and a seat. It will be like my cane for her—you have to remember to grab it and take it along so that when you need it it’s not at the other end of the world from where you are. But if you do, you have security and independence.

Back to the exercise, though—the high is great—and the third round of meds for the sinus infection must finally be taking hold because I really do feel GOOD!! Or maybe it’s just the weather.

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